Factory store

A warm welcome to our factory store!
In historic premises in the center of Klippan, you will find Klippan Yllefabrik's own store. Here you can find home textiles and interior details from three strong brands - Klippan, Tove Adman and Bengt & Lotta. We offer products from the regular range as well as outgoing goods and secondary sorting at favorable prices. We also have yarns and accessories for those who like to knit and crochet.
Feel free to follow us at @klippanylefabriksbutik for the latest news
Järnvägsgatan 21, 264 38 Klippan
Opening hours:
Mon-Fri: 11.00-18.00, Sat-Sun: 11.00-15.00
Långfredagen 18/4 Closed
Annandag påsk Måndag 21/4 Open 11-15
1 maj Closed
Kristihimmelsfärdsdag 29/5 Closed
6 juni Closed
Midsommarafton 20/6 Closed
Midsommardagen 21/6 Closed